git: vendor/TCSH Vendor branch: upgrade tcsh from 6.22.02 to 6.24.02

Antonio Huete Jimenez tuxillo at
Tue Dec 6 11:27:16 PST 2022

commit d6ab524cbb67a339f6452b14f61a912480f5a673
Author: Antonio Huete Jimenez <tuxillo at>
Date:   Sun Dec 4 21:46:58 2022 +0100

    Vendor branch: upgrade tcsh from 6.22.02 to 6.24.02

Summary of changes:
 contrib/tcsh-6/complete.tcsh       |     3 -
 contrib/tcsh-6/config_f.h          |    13 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.chared.c         |   125 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.decls.h          |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.defns.c          |    12 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.h                |    10 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.init.c           |    48 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.inputl.c         |    26 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.refresh.c        |   105 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.screen.c         |    20 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.term.c           |    34 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.term.h           |     6 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/ed.xmap.c           |   125 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/gethost.c           |     8 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/glob.c              |    19 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/glob.h              |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/et/set1         |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/et/set19        |    14 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/et/set2         |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/finnish/set1    |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/finnish/set16   |     4 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/finnish/set17   |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/finnish/set19   |    16 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/french/set1     |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/french/set19    |    14 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/german/set1     |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/german/set19    |    14 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/german/set2     |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/greek/set1      |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/greek/set19     |    14 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/italian/set1    |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/italian/set19   |    14 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/ja/set1         |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/russian/set1    |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/russian/set19   |    14 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/russian/set2    |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/spanish/set1    |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/spanish/set19   |    14 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/ukrainian/set1  |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/ukrainian/set19 |    14 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/nls/ukrainian/set2  |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/patchlevel.h        |     4 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.c                |   125 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.char.c           |   136 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.char.h           |     2 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.decls.h          |    18 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.dir.c            |    97 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.dol.c            |   178 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.err.c            |     6 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.exec.c           |    29 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.exp.c            |    61 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.file.c           |     9 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.func.c           |   161 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.glob.c           |    29 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.h                |    53 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.hist.c           |   110 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.init.c           |    16 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.lex.c            |    94 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.misc.c           |    29 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.parse.c          |     1 +
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.print.c          |     6 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.proc.c           |    58 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.sem.c            |    29 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.set.c            |    55 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.time.c           |     6 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/sh.types.h          |    36 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.alloc.c          |    61 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.bind.c           |     9 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.const.c          |    21 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.decls.h          |     4 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.disc.c           |     4 +
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.func.c           |    88 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.nls.c            |     2 +
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.os.c             |    54 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.os.h             |    22 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.printf.c         |     6 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.prompt.c         |    14 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.sig.c            |     1 -
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.str.c            |     8 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.vers.c           |    24 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tc.who.c            |     8 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/            | 13204 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 contrib/tcsh-6/tw.color.c          |    43 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tw.comp.c           |    14 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tw.decls.h          |     3 +
 contrib/tcsh-6/tw.h                |     4 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tw.init.c           |    18 +-
 contrib/tcsh-6/tw.parse.c          |   189 +-
 88 files changed, 10404 insertions(+), 5465 deletions(-)

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