git: Put note about DSA OpenSSH key deprecation, from 5 versions ago, into UPDATING. This probably affects nobody at this point, but now I can feel better about removing it from release notes where it keeps getting reprinted.

Justin C. Sherrill justin at
Sun Nov 25 18:50:27 PST 2018

commit 4d6bb23e9e45881777e87426d751c913602155b6
Author: Justin C. Sherrill <justin at>
Date:   Sun Nov 25 21:45:51 2018 -0500

    Put note about DSA OpenSSH key deprecation, from 5 versions ago, into UPDATING.
    This probably affects nobody at this point, but now I can feel better about
    removing it from release notes where it keeps getting reprinted.

Summary of changes:
 UPDATING | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)

DragonFly BSD source repository

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