git: Remove the NO_CRYPT build option.

Sascha Wildner swildner at
Sat Nov 18 04:01:48 PST 2017

commit fef7d5c7c737268396453f20ad42104230fa160e
Author: Sascha Wildner <saw at>
Date:   Sat Nov 18 13:01:04 2017 +0100

    Remove the NO_CRYPT build option.
    It has been broken for a long time without anyone complaining about and
    we don't want to maintain it either.
    In-discussion-with: zrj

Summary of changes:
 Makefile.inc1                     |  2 --
 bin/ed/Makefile                   |  2 --
 etc/Makefile                      |  7 +------
 etc/defaults/make.conf            |  1 -
 games/factor/Makefile             |  2 --
 gnu/lib/Makefile                  | 14 +-------------
 gnu/sbin/Makefile                 |  6 +-----
 lib/Makefile                      | 14 +++++---------
 lib/libcrypt/Makefile             |  5 +----
 lib/libfetch/Makefile             |  7 -------
 lib/libpam/modules/Makefile       |  6 +-----
 lib/libpam/static_libpam/Makefile |  5 +----
 lib/libradius/Makefile            |  7 -------
 lib/libtelnet/Makefile            |  5 +----
 libexec/Makefile                  |  9 +++------
 libexec/dma/Makefile              |  6 +-----
 libexec/telnetd/Makefile          |  5 +----
 sbin/Makefile                     | 19 +++++--------------
 share/man/man5/make.conf.5        |  5 +----
 share/mk/          |  2 --
 sys/netgraph/Makefile             |  2 +-
 sys/netgraph7/Makefile            |  2 +-
 tools/tools/net80211/Makefile     |  6 +-----
 usr.bin/Makefile                  | 39 ++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 usr.bin/ftp/Makefile              |  5 +----
 usr.bin/telnet/Makefile           |  5 +----
 usr.sbin/802_11/Makefile          |  6 +-----
 usr.sbin/Makefile                 |  5 +----
 usr.sbin/ppp/Makefile             |  2 +-
 usr.sbin/tcpdump/Makefile         |  2 --
 30 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)

DragonFly BSD source repository

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