git: kernel - Reduce atomic ops in switch code

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Tue Jul 26 15:55:13 PDT 2016

commit ee89e80ba8c2a7ec5abadda658ca674775f61949
Author: Matthew Dillon <dillon at>
Date:   Tue Jul 26 12:56:31 2016 -0700

    kernel - Reduce atomic ops in switch code
    * Instead of using four atomic 'and' ops and four atomic 'or' ops, use
      one atomic 'and' and one atomic 'or' when adjusting the pmap->pm_active.
    * Store the array index and simplified cpu mask in the globaldata structure
      for the above operation.

Summary of changes:
 sys/kern/init_main.c                |  2 ++
 sys/kern/lwkt_thread.c              |  1 +
 sys/platform/pc64/x86_64/genassym.c |  4 ++++
 sys/platform/pc64/x86_64/global.s   |  4 ++++
 sys/platform/pc64/x86_64/swtch.s    | 36 ++++++++++++------------------------
 sys/sys/globaldata.h                |  4 +++-
 6 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

DragonFly BSD source repository

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