git: drm: Always enable MSI interrupts

Francois Tigeot ftigeot at
Sat Jan 9 13:40:37 PST 2016

commit 165f19f21c95193e9e2ea797ba334980f8fdb939
Author: François Tigeot <ftigeot at>
Date:   Sat Jan 9 22:28:18 2016 +0100

    drm: Always enable MSI interrupts
    The Linux drm code doesn't contain any blacklist for hardware with
    broken MSI support; there is no reason for MSI interrupts to not work
    with DragonFly either.

Summary of changes:
 sys/dev/drm/drm_drv.c          | 43 +-----------------------------------------
 sys/dev/drm/include/drm/drmP.h |  6 ------
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 48 deletions(-)

DragonFly BSD source repository

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