git: locales: Remove symlinks UTF8 => UTF-8

John Marino marino at
Mon Nov 2 04:17:36 PST 2015

commit f9262eaa1246997e010eb65b3679e61936598b04
Author: John Marino <draco at>
Date:   Mon Nov 2 12:48:22 2015 +0100

    locales: Remove symlinks UTF8 => UTF-8
    In retrospect, having an alias for UTF-8 does not bring any real benefits
    and it can cause confusion.  Let's remove this *.UTF8 locale symlinks
    which is closer to the convention of the other BSDs.
    GCC testsuite is also removing utf8 and UTF8 locales for portability
    with BSD.

Summary of changes:        | 1 +
 share/locale-links/Makefile | 1 -
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

DragonFly BSD source repository

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