git: hammer - Better trailing '/' handling on PFS paths

Antonio Huete Jimenez tuxillo at
Tue Nov 18 14:28:03 PST 2014

commit 3c10747d8c001ee8db0b53d6d092e722c8cb5863
Author: Antonio Huete Jimenez <tuxillo at>
Date:   Tue Nov 18 14:15:49 2014 +0100

    hammer - Better trailing '/' handling on PFS paths
    - Remove all trailing slashes from PFS paths to make sure
      there are no problems when performing operations on them.

Summary of changes:
 sbin/hammer/cmd_pseudofs.c | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

DragonFly BSD source repository

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