git: DragonFly_RELEASE_3_4 mined.1: Move some info from CAVEATS to DESCRIPTION.

Sascha Wildner swildner at
Fri Apr 12 08:51:02 PDT 2013

commit 308f0700501190c99855c15df15aa9ebfacd9835
Author: Sascha Wildner <saw at>
Date:   Sun Apr 7 23:04:53 2013 +0200

    mined.1: Move some info from CAVEATS to DESCRIPTION.
    mandoc(1) warns about CAVEATS not being in conventional order and
    silencing it by moving the section would have caused it to be behind
    HISTORY even.
    However, the info is more important than the editor's history, so
    instead add it to the DESCRIPTION, which is short in this case, anyway.
    Reported-by:   Eitan Adler <eadler at>
    Dragonfly-bug: <>

Summary of changes:
 bin/mined/mined.1 | 10 ++++------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

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