git: nrelease/Makefile.usr: Relocate the git gc for pkgsrc to nrelease.

Sascha Wildner swildner at
Fri Nov 16 05:51:42 PST 2012

commit c59cfa666462aa4e2dc683ca2d991a310e55eac6
Author: Sascha Wildner <saw at>
Date:   Fri Nov 16 14:51:11 2012 +0100

    nrelease/Makefile.usr: Relocate the git gc for pkgsrc to nrelease.
    Since it was only meant for keeping the LiveDVD smaller, put it into
    its build and don't force everyone to sit through it. The time it
    takes seems to increase significantly on virtual machines with just
    1G of RAM, for example. It seems to be quite memory hungry.
    Reported-by: many

Summary of changes:
 etc/Makefile.usr  |    4 ----
 nrelease/Makefile |    4 ++++
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

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