git: kernel - Greatly reduce kernel memory use for x86_64

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Tue Sep 28 16:22:04 PDT 2010

commit 722871d34e51e1c7f2e4faec1ae2bca0e3a8f18a
Author: Matthew Dillon <dillon at>
Date:   Tue Sep 28 15:42:55 2010 -0700

    kernel - Greatly reduce kernel memory use for x86_64
    * Remove the kmemusage array entirely and instead store ku_pagecnt
      in the vm_page structure.
      This allows x86_64 to boot with 128G of KVM without eating tons of
      real memory, in addition to another recent commit which reduced
      real memory use w/ large KVM spaces.
    Reported-by: John Marino

Summary of changes:
 sys/kern/kern_slaballoc.c              |   52 ++++++++++++++-----------------
 sys/platform/pc32/i386/pmap.c          |    9 +++++
 sys/platform/pc64/x86_64/pmap.c        |    9 +++++
 sys/platform/vkernel/platform/pmap.c   |   12 +++++++
 sys/platform/vkernel64/platform/pmap.c |   12 +++++++
 sys/sys/malloc.h                       |   14 --------
 sys/vm/pmap.h                          |    1 +
 sys/vm/vm_page.h                       |    1 +
 8 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

DragonFly BSD source repository

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