git: kernel - more lwbuf followup work

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Wed Mar 31 09:20:24 PDT 2010

commit 1f3936d6eb39f987d7f105fd29c6c81bcd2335d7
Author: Matthew Dillon <dillon at>
Date:   Wed Mar 31 09:14:28 2010 -0700

    kernel - more lwbuf followup work
    * Make lwbuf objcache only, removing all the manual per-cpu allocation
      tracking.  Keep the cpumask stuff.  We will deal with the KVM
      fragmentation issue inside objcache later on.
    * This basically takes us back to Sam's original objcache implementation.
    * Remove unnecessary assembly symbols (assembly didn't use those globaldata
      fields).  Remove related globaldata fields now that we are back to the
      objcache-only implementation.

Summary of changes:
 sys/cpu/i386/include/lwbuf.h           |    5 --
 sys/cpu/i386/misc/lwbuf.c              |  117 ++++++++------------------------
 sys/platform/pc32/i386/genassym.c      |    1 -
 sys/platform/pc32/i386/globals.s       |    3 -
 sys/platform/pc32/include/globaldata.h |    2 -
 sys/platform/vkernel/i386/genassym.c   |    1 -
 sys/platform/vkernel/i386/global.s     |    3 -
 7 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

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