Your order

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Sun May 3 09:33:31 PDT 2009

:Matthew Dillon wrote:
:>     Ok, what I did was modify my milter filter to reject mail from
:>     non-local sources sent to crater but containing a From: header
:>     containing crater's domain name.
:The bug tracker ( uses sinknull at
:as the from address and since it's on a different machine than crater, I
:believe this changed filtering to be the cause of changes on the tracker not
:being propagated to the MLs (and to the news server).

    Ugh.  It's more serious.  List mail in general will set the From: to
    the originator from outside the machine, so my fix is not going to work.
    I turned it off.

    I am going to have to come up with another idea.


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