DragonFly branch master: etc/mtree/BSD.usr.dist cf2bfc4158dbb2accb11861dd3a96d0d79237f63

Simon 'corecode' Schubert corecode at fs.ei.tum.de
Sun Nov 30 13:30:27 PST 2008

Sascha Wildner wrote:
commit cf2bfc4158dbb2accb11861dd3a96d0d79237f63
Author: Sascha Wildner <saw at online.de>
Date:   Sun Nov 30 21:49:58 2008 +0100
    git(1) doesn't allow to clone into an existing directory so it doesn't
    make sense to create /usr/src anymore.
I suggest to all collaborators to structure their commit messages like this:

Summary of change in one line

Maybe more text afterwards. Blabla paragraphs, multiple
lines, etc.
The reason is that many git tools display the first line as summary.

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