cvs commit: src/sbin/hammer hammer.8 hammer.c

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Mon Mar 24 20:59:12 PDT 2008

dillon      2008/03/24 20:57:58 PDT

DragonFly src repository

  Modified files:
    sbin/hammer          hammer.8 hammer.c 
  HAMMER utilities: automatic sync/sleep
  * Add 64 bit versions of the 'now' and 'stamp' commands, called
    'now64' and 'stamp64'.
  * The 'now' and 'now64' commands now automatically sync.
  * The 'now' command also sleeps until the second hand turns over.
  * Add a new option, -x, which may be used to disable the automatic sync &
    sleep.  The stamp and stamp64 commands do not sync or sleep.
  Suggested-by: "Thomas E. Spanjaard" <tgen at>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +22 -1     src/sbin/hammer/hammer.8
  1.13      +60 -12    src/sbin/hammer/hammer.c

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