cvs commit: src/sbin/hammer cmd_mirror.c cmd_pseudofs.c cmd_status.c hammer.8 hammer.c hammer.h

Michael Neumann mneumann at
Wed Jul 9 04:11:47 PDT 2008

Matthew Dillon wrote:
dillon      2008/07/09 03:32:31 PDT

DragonFly src repository

  Modified files:
    sbin/hammer          cmd_mirror.c cmd_pseudofs.c cmd_status.c 
                         hammer.8 hammer.c hammer.h 
  HAMMER Utilities: Sync with 60I
  * Changes in the way PFS's are created and managed.
  * Replace the pfs-create directive with pfs-master and pfs-slave.
Is PFS only used for master/slave mirroring? I mean, they will probably
also be very useful for a lot of other things which are not directly
related to mirroring (e.g. quotas). I'm just thinking loud about the
name of the commands...


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