cvs commit: src/sys/dev/netif/bwi if_bwi.c if_bwivar.h

Sepherosa Ziehau sephe at
Sun Sep 16 01:29:23 PDT 2007

sephe       2007/09/16 01:25:41 PDT

DragonFly src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/dev/netif/bwi    if_bwi.c if_bwivar.h 
  For bwi(4) parts that use TX status ring:
  - Extract frame's TX count and whether the frame has been acknowledged.
  - If the TX status indicates that the frame is pending, don't do any further
    processing (this probably will not happen in the current TX model).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +15 -4     src/sys/dev/netif/bwi/if_bwi.c
  1.5       +8 -3      src/sys/dev/netif/bwi/if_bwivar.h

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