cvs commit: src/games/morse morse.6 morse.c

Simon Schubert corecode at
Sun Apr 22 15:05:40 PDT 2007

corecode    2007/04/22 15:04:20 PDT

DragonFly src repository

  Modified files:
    games/morse          morse.6 morse.c 
  Add the possibility to dump the generated audio to a file instead of playing it.
  This can be used to create morse mp3s from input texts, like this:
  	morse -o | lame -r -s 44.1 -x -m m --resample 11 - morse.mp3
  Add a comment on the timing calculation.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +6 -0      src/games/morse/morse.6
  1.5       +27 -8     src/games/morse/morse.c

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