cvs commit: src/test/test baaz

YONETANI Tomokazu qhwt+dfly at
Sat Mar 25 15:17:19 PST 2006

On Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 07:29:42PM +0100, Sascha Wildner wrote:
> >
> Hmm, the cvsweb diffs still show some weird commitid foo.

If you're talking about this one,
  rcsdiff: /cvs/src/test/test/baaz,v: warning: Unknown phrases like `commitid ...;' are present.
that's because cvsweb uses rcsdiff to show the diffs, and rlog to show the
logs, neither of which(in the base system) know about the commitid.

I'm going to commit attached patch for base rcs utilities (slightly modified
version of /usr/src/contrib/cvs-1.12/contrib/rcs-5.7-commitid.patch) if no
objection is raised in a few days.
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