cvs commit: src/games/grdc grdc.6 grdc.c

Hiten Pandya hmp at
Fri Mar 26 12:33:08 PST 2004

Chris Pressey wrote:

On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 08:46:42 -0800 (PST)
Matthew Dillon <dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

:cpressey    2004/03/25 15:55:13 PST
:DragonFly src repository
:  Modified files:
:    games/grdc           grdc.6 grdc.c 
:  Log:
:  Four new features and a bugfix.

   Don't forget proper attribution when adding new features.  e.g.
   were the changes developed by you or ported from elsewhere?  And
   so forth.

I'm sorry.  I thought that if there was no "submitted by" or "obtained
from", that the understanding was that it was original work.
	If it is original work, then you don't need to add it. :-)

		Hiten Pandya
		hmp at xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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