cvs commit: src/sys/netinet in_pcb.c

Hiten Pandya hmp at
Fri Jul 2 17:44:40 PDT 2004

Skip Ford wrote:
Hiten Pandya wrote:

hmp         2004/07/02 09:45:22 PDT

DragonFly src repository

 Modified files:
   sys/netinet          in_pcb.c 
 Randomize ephermal source ports.

I sent this to submit@ on April 28, over 2 months ago.  Why did it
take over 2 months to commit?  Why didn't anyone respond?  Why did you
leave out the man page update I included?
	I didn't see your post, so I couldn't have known, if I knew
	I would have committed it a long time ago.  This change was
	not taken from your patch.
	Had I seen your patch and this was a part of it, you would
	have been credited.
	I will find the manual page change in the archive and commit
	it later on this weekend.
		hmp at xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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