cvs commit: src/sys/conf options.i386 options.pc98 src/sys/i386/conf GENERIC src/sys/i386/i386 machdep.c mp_machdep.c

Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai asmodai at
Sun Jan 11 09:06:07 PST 2004

-On [20040109 22:02], David Rhodus (drhodus at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
>  	The idea is taken from JHB's changes in FreeBSD but without
>  	the idle loop changes so as not to get the "Hyerthreading
>  	slowdown" affect FreeBSD seems to have with HTT.

I have no idea what he did, but from what I gather from various
resources is that with a lot of idleness you might want to halt the
respective cores a little bit more than usual to not contend too much
over the CPU core resources shared by both virtual CPUs.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)> / asmodai / kita no mono
PGP fingerprint: 2D92 980E 45FE 2C28 9DB7  9D88 97E6 839B 2EAC 625B   |
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