cvs commit: src/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet
Tomaž Borštnar
tomaz.borstnar at
Sat Aug 28 13:11:16 PDT 2004
Matthew Dillon wrote:
dillon 2004/08/28 00:27:02 PDT
DragonFly src repository
Modified files:
sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet ip_state.c
TCPS_CLOSED is no longer 0 in DragonFly. Because ipfilter was assuming
that TCPS_CLOSED was 0, the tcp keep state table was never properly
initialized and ipfilter considered most tcp packets to be bad. Change
ip_state.c to properly initialize the starting state for new tcp keep
state entries.
Problems reported by: Toma<9E> Bor<9A>tna <tomaz.borstnar at xxxxxxxx>,
Tomaž Borštnar in LATIN2 or
approximately Tomaz Borstnar in any 7bit charset.
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