cvs commit: src/nrelease/root README

Chris Pressey cpressey at
Thu Apr 22 09:54:00 PDT 2004

cpressey    2004/04/22 09:53:17 PDT

DragonFly src repository

  Modified files:
    nrelease/root        README 
  Split the suggested invocation of fdisk (which is failing for some
  people) into two seperate invocations (which seems to work for them.)
  The real solution would be to find out why fdisk -IB is troublesome,
  but in the interim, this should save some frustration.
  Problem-experienced-by:, Devon H. O'Dell, Dave Leimbach
  Workaround-stumbled-upon-by: cpressey
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.12      +2 -1      src/nrelease/root/README

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