[DragonFlyBSD - Bug #3188] (Closed) libc - implicit function "reallocarray"

bugtracker-admin at leaf.dragonflybsd.org bugtracker-admin at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Wed May 29 18:41:37 PDT 2019

Issue #3188 has been updated by aswell.

Status changed from New to Closed

Bug #3188: libc - implicit function "reallocarray"

* Author: aswell
* Status: Closed
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Category: 
* Target version: 
Attempting to download RAW (CR2) files from camera, need DarkTable to convert files, but pkg install darktable (2.6.2) from Avalon complains about Wayland.

Compiling Darktable 2.6.2_1 via Synth causes graphics/giflib to fail, which is related to "reallocarray". Error log attached.

Did a search, found RedHat discussing issue, saying that "glibc now provides the reallocarray function prototype unless the user explicitly requires stricter conformance to a given standard."


This is not my area of expertise, but does issuing "cc -std=gnu99" during the compile cause this issue, and is there a way to resolve locally or does this need to be reported to the giflib maintainers?

giflib.log (12.7 KB)

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