[DragonFlyBSD - Bug #3053] (In Progress) Makefile.usr: target dports-download has incorrect dependency

bugtracker-admin at leaf.dragonflybsd.org bugtracker-admin at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Fri Dec 8 14:45:41 PST 2017

Issue #3053 has been updated by ftigeot.

Status changed from New to In Progress
% Done changed from 0 to 50

First patch looks good, pushed.

Bug #3053: Makefile.usr: target dports-download has incorrect dependency

* Author: t_dfbsd
* Status: In Progress
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: ftigeot
* Category: 
* Target version: 
dports-download is supposed to be able to download a tarball of dports (in the event that git isn't available), but it has a dependency on dports-check, which has a dependency on git-check, which fails if git isn't installed.

patch-Makefileusr.patch (1.39 KB)
0001-Add-dports-download-check-target.patch (1.18 KB)
0002-Add-test-to-dports-download-check-target.patch (904 Bytes)

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