[issue2135] Catchall bug for 2.12 release

Justin C. Sherrill (via DragonFly issue tracker) sinknull at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Wed Sep 21 19:25:54 PDT 2011

New submission from Justin C. Sherrill <justin at shiningsilence.com>:

Here's things that should be cleared before the 2.12 release.  

Our exactly-6-months due date is the 26th of this month, I think.  The next
quarterly release of pkgsrc is scheduled for the 25th.  Building a full set of
packages for the next release will take ~2 weeks, which pushes us to mid-October.

Bug 1998: kqueue issues with nginx.  http://bugs.dragonflybsd.org/issue1998

(This has a workaround - build with something other than kqueue)

Bug 2134: sdiff causes stack overflow. http://bugs.dragonflybsd.org/issue2134

Updates of file, openssl, and openssh (done by Peter on 9/20)

Please add as necessary.

messages: 10114
nosy: justin
priority: critical
status: in-progress
title: Catchall bug for 2.12 release

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