cryptdisks' rcscript is causing problems

Max Herrgård herrgard at
Sun Jan 23 10:44:30 PST 2011


cryptdisks is causing problems if it isn't started, and I don't want to start it because I don't need it.

How to reproduce:
# rcstart apache
apache depends on cryptdisks, current state: failed

# rcstop dntpd
# rcstart dntpd
dntpd depends on cryptdisks, current state: failed

Yes, dntpd did start at boot while apache didn't. However, stopping dntpd and starting it again doesn't work.

Box is running DragonFly v2.9.1.494.g932f0-DEVELOPMENT #2: Wed Jan 19 17:11:22 CET 2011     root at  i386.

Thank you,

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