[issue1849] panic: dsched: malloc limit exceeded

Steve O'Hara-Smith steve at sohara.org
Thu Sep 23 07:01:23 PDT 2010

On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 14:36:34 +0100
Alex Hornung <ahornung at gmail.com> wrote:

> The output of test/dsched would help here. It'll show the number of
> currently allocated structures of each type.

	This is from my system at current, which had the initial spike from
preparing a chroot on UFS and has been running a pkgsrc build on hammer for
some time now.

thread_ctx:	16998
thread_io:	118986
disk_ctx:	7
Procs/Threads tracked
procs:		133
threads:	217
w/o thread_ctx:	2

Steve O'Hara-Smith                          |   Directable Mirror Arrays
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You lose and Bill collects.                 |    http://www.sohara.org/

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