sftp on amd64

Matthias Schmidt matthias at dragonflybsd.org
Wed Oct 6 10:16:17 PDT 2010


* Damian Lubosch wrote:
> Hello!
> The tool sftp from dfly 2.6.3amd64 does a kernel dump when trying to
> 'ls' a remote sftp-server. The 32 bit version works fine.

Can confirm that w/ 2.6.3 on x86_64.  The bug is fixed in the latest
version of OpenSSH which is included in master.  sftp on x86_64 works
fine.  So just wait some time and then upgrade to 2.8 ;)

> I attached the core dump to this mail.  I am not sure if it is common
> to attach files to the mailing list, in case it is not please tell me
> ;-)

Just put it on the web.  This saves some list traffic and ppl can
download it if they're interested.



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