hammer: Missing volume (No header)

Alex Hornung ahornung at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 23:55:11 PST 2010

The text console switching was actually a bug recently introduced in
syscons that has been fixed for a while now.

Regarding your hammer issue, usually the b-partition is swap. Are you
sure that it is hammer? As I was saying, the installer uses b as swap in
a normal hammer based install.

Alex Hornung

"Diegu" <peur.neu at gmail.com> wrote:
> Had a crash as usual using xorg i915 driver while switching to text
> console.
> i915 xorg driver works fantastic. console crashes.
> after the crash this is the result on a fresh system.
> foo# mount_hammer -o ro /dev/ad2s1b /media/R1
> hammer_mount: Missing volume, cannot mount /dev/ad2s1b
> (No header)
> using.
> foo# uname -a
> DragonFlyBSD 2.8.2 (i386)
> using DF 2.8.2 (x86_64) seems not to happen.
> the other hammer functions on x64 work flawless on a full 100Gb drive.

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