[issue1767] Fatal trap in KVM on DragonFly AMD64 2.6.3

Aaron Baymer (via DragonFly issue tracker) sinknull at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Fri May 14 14:20:16 PDT 2010

New submission from Aaron Baymer <nofx at unigaming.net>:

Attached it a screenie of the trap and the trace, if you need anything else, I'll 
be here. It's running off the CD.

files: Screenshot-DragonFlyBSD Virtual Machine.png
messages: 8580
nosy: NoEffex
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Fatal trap in KVM on DragonFly AMD64 2.6.3

DragonFly issue tracker <bugs at lists.dragonflybsd.org>
Screenshot-DragonFlyBSD Virtual Machine.png
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