[issue1680] handbook infor obsolete, ch 19.12, NTP

John Marino (via DragonFly issue tracker) sinknull at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Sat Feb 20 03:57:18 PST 2010

New submission from John Marino <dragon at marino.st>:

on handbook section: 19.12.4 Running the NTP Server 

The information appears obsolete by more than 4 years.
It's talking about "xntpd" which was apparently removed in 2005.

This section should be updated to indicate how to configure dntpd (conf file 
location, rc.conf command) etc.

More of this section may be obsolete, but this is what I noticed.

messages: 8160
nosy: marino
priority: cleanup
status: unread
title: handbook infor obsolete, ch 19.12, NTP

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