[issue1667] disklabel / disklabel64 change needs reboot / disk change

Thomas Nikolajsen (via DragonFly issue tracker) sinknull at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Thu Feb 4 14:30:58 PST 2010

New submission from Thomas Nikolajsen <thomas.nikolajsen at mail.dk>:

Changing disk label from disklabel to disklabel64 format
or vice versa needs reboot (or disk change, eg natacontrol detach / attach).

This has worked without reboot earlier,
as described in disklabel(8) & disklabel64(8);
problem was introduced with devfs as I remeber.

Problem seems to be that in kernel disklabel survives
erasure of label on device (disklabel -W .. / dd if=/dev/zero of=DISK .. )


messages: 8106
nosy: thomas.nikolajsen
status: unread
title: disklabel / disklabel64 change needs reboot / disk change

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