[issue1502] Lock while deleting files from nohistory HAMMER directories

Hasso Tepper (via DragonFly issue tracker) sinknull at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Sat Sep 12 22:40:50 PDT 2009

New submission from Hasso Tepper <hasso at estpak.ee>:

Delete a big file from nohistory HAMMER directory and see machine to lock up 
after some time. It just doesn't crawl, it's locked up completely - machine 
even don't respond to ping. The time it's locked up depends on size of the 
file and speed of the machine. Deleting 10GB file on my laptop locks up 
machine for 30 seconds.

messages: 7374
nosy: hasso
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Lock while deleting files from nohistory HAMMER directories

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