Cannot access pkg_add(1) in online man pages

Sascha Wildner saw at
Fri Oct 16 01:06:21 PDT 2009

Markus Peloquin schrieb:
(You may have noticed my earlier email; this is what I wanted to report
to begin with.)
I tried to look up the man page for pkg_add(1), but it doesn't work.
pkg_radd(1) on the other hand, does work.
Well, pkg_add is not part of our base, while pkg_radd is.

However, I've added leaf's /usr/pkg/man to the online manpage's search 
path. pkg_add and the other package tools' manpages are now found.

It's not an optimal solution, though, since leaf's packages are not 
guaranteed to be the same (version wise) as those provided on the LiveCD 
or LiveDVD.



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