HAMMER crash during unmount

Matthias Schmidt matthias at dragonflybsd.org
Tue Jan 20 23:38:22 PST 2009

* Matthew Dillon wrote:
>     For some reason it was having a hard time flushing dirty inodes.
>     Could you tell if the disk drive was solid on while it was trying
>     to umount?  There should have been about a 25-second delay (each
>     '.' is one second, theoretically).

Hope I got your question right.  The disk is an additional VMWare disk
and was only used to test the installer.  The procedure was to label the
disk, install DF on the HAMMER partition and let the installer unmount
it.  Nothing special and no big load.  The disk was idle most of the
time.  Strange thing here was that this panic happened after about 10
slice/mount/install/unmount cycles.  After a reboot of the VMWare VM it
worked again for about 10 test cycles.



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