[issue179] Cannot boot with SMP and APIC_IO in kernel conf

Antonio Huete Jimenez (via DragonFly issue tracker) sinknull at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Wed Aug 26 02:33:38 PDT 2009

Antonio Huete Jimenez <tuxillo at quantumachine.net> added the comment:


About the first point, saying it is not booting with SMP and APIC_IO, I want to
say that, although APIC_IO is somehow broken on many systems, Sephe did a great
work on SMP some months ago. Is it possible for you to try with latest ISO snapshot?

Regarding the second about flashing the BIOS, I think you can use a MSDOS
bootdisk for that. There is a ton of links out there that provide those:


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