[issue1135] hammer + nfs => Input/output error

Thomas Nikolajsen sinknull at crater.dragonflybsd.org
Sun Sep 14 13:16:05 PDT 2008

Thomas Nikolajsen <thomas.nikolajsen at mail.dk> added the comment:

Retest success!

I did:
 - mv files out of PFSs (took 30h; 3.5 mio files, 100GB);
and destroy PFSs
 - traverse HAMMER fs: du; find . -ls;
then periodic(8) chimed in: chksetuid & locate (2+h each)
 - several buildworld with local and nfs mounted /usr/obj

No `Input/output error' or `lookupdotdot failed' seen.

Most testing done using patch from issue1139;
any reason to retest without this patch?

Is it OK if I have PFSs in nfs exported files system
as long as I don't touch files in PFS from nfs client?


priority:  -> bug
status: chatting -> resolved

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