Hammer snapshot symbolic links with @@

Matthew Dillon dillon at apollo.backplane.com
Mon Jul 7 09:01:44 PDT 2008

:lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  27 Jul  7 15:29 snap-20080707-1529 -> 
:dragnas# cd snap-20080707-1529
:snap-20080707-1529: No such file or directory.
:It works if the symbolic link is /hammer/@@... (instead of
:"/hammer@@..."). I can update the "hammer snapshot" utility to generate
:"correct" symlinks but only if "/hammer@@" is incorrect.
:   Michael

    /hammer@@ won't work because you haven't dived down into the
    mount point at that time, so it is trying to do the 'hammer@@...'
    lookup in the root filesystem.

    /hammer/@@... should work, as would 'hammer/subdirectory@@...'.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at backplane.com>

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