[issue1084] Can The HAMMER filesystem can extends volume without destory the original data?

lhmwzy sinknull at crater.dragonflybsd.org
Wed Jul 23 18:09:05 PDT 2008

New submission from lhmwzy <lhmwzy at gmail.com>:

for example:
I have a volume:
    newfs_hammer -L Home /dev/ad0s1d
    mount_hammer /dev/ad0s1d /home
now I want to extends it:
    newfs_hammer -L Home /dev/ad1s1d
    mount_hammer /dev/ad0s1d /home
The data in /home is kept and the volume capacity is extended.

Can HAMMER do or will do this?

messages: 5013
nosy: lhmwzy
priority: feature
status: unread
title: Can The HAMMER filesystem can extends volume without destory the original data?

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