[issue1081] dfly-2.0.0-REL: panic: hammer: insufficient undo FIFO space!

M.K. sinknull at crater.dragonflybsd.org
Tue Jul 22 21:51:50 PDT 2008

New submission from M.K. <mk at freeweb.ozi.nu>:

OS: dfly-2.0.0-REL

I backed up my 5GB win2k ntfs partition to a disk image file on my Hammer FS
(6GB in size). When removing the image file, panic occurs.

To reproduce panic:

NOTE: assuming Hammer FS is mounted on /hammer dir and /root is symlinked to

# cd /root
# cat /dev/ad0s1 > c.img
# rm c.img

Screen Shot of Panic: http://www.bmk.com.au/webshare/hammer_panic.jpg

My dmesg: http://www.bmk.com.au/webshare/dmesg.txt

My fdisk, disklabel & fstab: http://www.bmk.com.au/webshare/labels.txt

messages: 5006
nosy: mk
priority: bug
status: unread
title: dfly-2.0.0-REL: panic: hammer: insufficient undo FIFO space!

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