[issue784] SATA no-go on ATI SB600 (K9AGM-FID)

Thomas E. Spanjaard tgen at netphreax.net
Tue Sep 11 07:08:49 PDT 2007

Joe "Floid" Kanowitz wrote:

atapci0: <GENERIC ATA controller> 
port 0xe800-0xe807,0xe400-0xe403,0xe000-0xe007,0xdc00-0xdc03,0xd800-0xd80f 
mem 0xff6ffc00-0xff6fffff irq 22 at device 18.0 on pci0


atapci0: <ATI SB600 SATA300 controller> 
port 0xd800-0xd80f,0xdc00-0xdc03,0xe000-0xe007,0xe400-0xe403,0xe800-0xe807 
mem 0xff6ffc00-0xff6fffff irq 2 at device 18.0 on pci0
See, FreeBSD doesn't have the PCI ids for the SB600, and thus only 
accesses it as a generic ATA controller, using BIOSDMA etc. I added 
those PCI ids, and apparently, the SB600 doesn't work like the SB450 etc 
did. Hmm.

        Thomas E. Spanjaard
        tgen at netphreax.net
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