[issue833] cache_lock: blocked on 0xe29c3b08 ""

David W dpwalters at carolina.rr.com
Thu Nov 1 15:39:32 PDT 2007

>     I haven't had any luck reproducing it yet.  Could you give me a
>     test script to run that will reproduce the problem?  Also, are you
>     doing your tests as root or as a user ?
>     Alternatively if you can get a kernel core and a kgdb backtrace of one
>     of the stuck processes I can probably figure out what is going on from
>     there.
> 						-Matt
After trying to recreate this problem in a virtual machine I seem to have
trouble recreating it too. I apologize for this bug report, after investigating quota.user
with the file command it seems it had gotten corrupted somehow as the file command
returned it as DATA. I'm not sure how it got corrupted, however, as fsck showed it as
clean. Anyway, why does the system become unresponsive after this file becomes
corrupted? Also, other than the obvious reasons, how might this file become corrupted?
I appreciate all the work you do.

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