[issue676] SB600 HDA audio (Realtek ALC883) glitch - IRQ sharing?

Joe "Floid" Kanowitz sinknull at crater.dragonflybsd.org
Sun Jun 10 14:04:11 PDT 2007

Joe "Floid" Kanowitz <jkanowitz at snet.net> added the comment:

Whups.  Typo in my off-topic rant, wouldn't want to leave it hanging:

"Since the new ati driver, and pretty much every 6.n.n version, doesn't seem to
have improved at autoconfiguration of DVI monitors (or, 9 times out of 10, at
working at all), and the most interesting information I could find had me
sending a note to AMD's Investor Relations that fglrx doesn't cover everyone, *I
give up for now.*"  Have to pick my battles, I'd best help get the kernel
working first. :)

Another forgotten, off-topic factoid:  As with NetBSD, you have to disable the
uhid driver (device uhid) to use 'nut' (sysutils/ups-nut, sysutils/ups-nut-usb)
with a USB HID UPS.  The userspace newhidups driver uses libusb to support HID
devices directly, and needs access through the generic (device ugen) kernel
driver, which doesn't seem to work if the uhid kernel driver 'claims' the device.  

A uhid-aware 'upscontrol' may become a project for me, since it really shouldn't
take hours of configuration to mute a UPS that lasts 30 minutes.

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