[issue730] Latest DEVEL still reflects old pkg_* paths

Steve Mynott steve at tightrope.demon.co.uk
Mon Jul 16 14:52:00 PDT 2007

Message-ID: <slrnf9nq2t.1fr5.steve at brandy.dedrat.com>
User-Agent: slrn/ (DragonFly)
Date: 16 Jul 2007 21:51:25 GMT
Lines: 25
X-Trace: 1184622685 crater_reader.dragonflybsd.org 794
Xref: crater_reader.dragonflybsd.org dragonfly.bugs:7387

On 2007-07-16, Joerg Sonnenberger <joerg at britannica.bec.de> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 02:22:53PM -0700, Matthew Dillon wrote:
>>     Just forget the whole mess.  I'll research the CVS and try to find the
>>     last working non-lua installer release and extract that into our own
>>     CVS tree.
> The old installer is still in pkgsrc. I just have to update the
> MASTERSITE entries for the moved location.

I mentioned this on IRC but one simple path issue is fixed by


I am quite confused about versions here I assume this patch was
commited against the "new" installer (which has proved hard to port
to Dragonflybsd) rather than the old ("working") installer.

I'm not even sure where the definitive Dragonflybsd installer repo is?

And can't help wondering whether it might be simplier to import the old
installer into the Dragonflybsd CVS tree rather than using pkgsrc or
the new installer repo?   And maybe we should just concentrate on
testing the old one (with vmware or whatever) and minor bug fixes/patches?


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