[issue713] shutdown freeze and forced unmounts

Peter Avalos pavalos at theshell.com
Sat Jul 7 12:24:22 PDT 2007

On Sat, Jul 07, 2007 at 12:08:02PM -0700, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> :Peter Avalos <pavalos at theshell.com> added the comment:
> :
> :Now I'm seeing acpi_button messages:
>     Ok, I'm not sure what is going on with the buttons.  But lets try
>     to get some additional information on the forced unmounts.  I don't
>     like the fact that 14 processes seem to be stuck.
>     Lets try to get a good kernel core for this condition.  Here's a patch
>     which will hopefully print out which mount(s) are having problems, and
>     will also panic the system when it hits a mount with more then 12 
>     process references (the idea being to try to get a snapshot of the
>     kernel when its in this situation that can then be kgdb'd).
>     Once you get a good kernel core, remove the panic.
>     I have a feeling that the freeze is due to the mount confusion and not
>     ACPI, but I could be wrong.

Oh, and it still freezes with ACPI disabled, so I'd agree that it's a
mount problem and not acpi.
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