[issue566] NATA a nonstarter with ATI SB600 on MSI K9AGM-FID

Thomas E. Spanjaard tgen at netphreax.net
Sun Feb 25 15:50:51 PST 2007

Joe "Floid" Kanowitz wrote:
Well, the same segfault in init.  I'm not sure if that counts as a total lockup,
but it certainly doesn't proceed from there without a disk to talk to.
I'll see if I can reproduce anything like that tomorrow.

I'm going to try to unstupid myself about getting more verbose output (if such
is available), hints always appreciated. :)
Well, I'll try a couple of things tomorrow, I'll get back to you after that.

        Thomas E. Spanjaard
        tgen at netphreax.net
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