Livelock limit engaged

walt wa1ter at
Fri Dec 21 18:27:56 PST 2007

Antonio Huete Jimenez wrote:
Hello guys

- Interrupts before pluging in an if_ath card
dualdragon# vmstat -i
interrupt                   total       rate
cbb0                            0          0
bge0/uhci3                      0          0

- Interrupts when plugin a ath cardbus card
dualdragon# vmstat -i
interrupt                   total       rate
cbb0                            0          0
bge0/uhci3                3039092       3635
Hi Antonio.  Am I correct that you have a Broadcom gigabit ethernet
(bge) adapter plugged into a slow USB port, in addition to the ath
card plugged into a cardbus slot?  If yes, what happens when you
unplug the bge adapter?  Are you intending to run that machine as
a network bridge or router?

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