[issue623] kernel doesn't compile

Ruslan Afanasiev bugs at crater.dragonflybsd.org
Mon Apr 30 14:23:02 PDT 2007

Ruslan Afanasiev <neiromant at gmail.com> added the comment:

Thank all for your cooperation! But with my compile procedure something wrong :(
Now, I take next message:
[3:16am]root at dragon:/usr/src#make nativekernel KERNCONF=DRAGON

>>> Kernel build for DRAGON started on Tue May  1 03:17:51 EEST 2007
rm -rf /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DRAGON
mkdir -p /usr/obj/usr/src/sys
cd /usr/src/sys/config;  config  -d /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DRAGON  /usr/src/sys/
config: files.pc32: No such file or directory
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
Do you have any solutions?
uname -a
DragonFly dragon.bsd.loc 1.8.1-RELEASE DragonFly 1.8.1-RELEASE #2: Mon Mar 26 
08:03:12 PDT 2007     root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
PSS: in my GENERIC file is missing following directives:
platform        pc32
machine_arch    i386

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