acpi "bad hcaracter"

YONETANI Tomokazu qhwt+dfly at
Thu Jul 6 05:21:35 PDT 2006

On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 01:56:28PM +0200, Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:
>     ACPI-0397: *** Error: NsSearchAndEnter: Bad character in ACPI Name: 
> 43035350
>     ACPI-0381: *** Error: Looking up [0x43035350] (NON-ASCII)
>  in namespace, AE_BAD_CHARACTER
>     ACPI-0204: *** Error: AcpiLoadTables: Could not load namespace: 
>     ACPI-0213: *** Error: AcpiLoadTables: Could not load tables: 
> ACPI: table load failed: AE_BAD_CHARACTER
> any clue how to start and fix this issue?  (doc pointers welcome)

You're using A8N-VM, right?  One of the posts on freebsd-acpi
had a link to the following webpage and you might be interested in it:

Hope that helps.

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